četvrtak, 31. prosinca 2009.

Mitsubishi RVR - Happy New Year

As previously announced early this year, Mitsubishi are trying to enter the crossover market with a new model that is expected to be released sometime in February 2010. Dubbed Mitsubishi RVR, the compact crossover seems to be right on schedule as the Japanese car maker have announced a few details about the car and a couple of photos that certainly made a click into our heads here on TFTS.Sitting just below the Outlander at only 4.3-meters long, the small lightweight crossover utility vehicle is based on the company’s baby SUV, the Concept-cX, and although it lacks specific details concerning power or torque, we’ve been told that it’s supposedly running on a brand new 1.8-liter MIVEC petrol engine that promises to achieve “state-of-the-art” fuel efficiency.
Read: Mitsubishi RVR Compact Crossover to Debut Early 2010 [Mitsubishi RVR CUV Begins Selling Next Year] » TFTS – Technology, Gadgets & Curiosities

On the exterior the new Mitsubishi RVR has a Q5 inspired nose (trapizoid-shaped grille in the front), daytime LEDs and rear bumper-integrated center brake lights, and a rather intriguing blue paint job that stands out in the CUV crowd.Asia (including China but probably excluding India), Europe, and North America are expected to begin selling the Mitsubishi RVR, with an official debut to be made either at NAIAS or in Switzerland at the Geneva Motor Show next year.Not sure about you guys, but I love it. Just waiting to get a decent price on this one!Looking for more? See Cars | Transportation Tech or scroll down for carefully selected related items that may also be of interest to you.
Read: Mitsubishi RVR Compact Crossover to Debut Early 2010 [Mitsubishi RVR CUV Begins Selling Next Year] » TFTS – Technology, Gadgets & Curiosities

petak, 4. prosinca 2009.

Službene fotografije Mitsubishi RVR crossovera

Prve fotografije Mitsubishijeva novog crossovera osvanule su na internetu. Maštovito nazvani RVR smjestit će se ispod Pajera i Outlandera
Model cX dug je 4,3 metra, a inspiriran je konceptom RVR; 365 milimetara kraći je od Outlandera. Novi Mitsubishijev crossover građen je na globalnoj platformi koju dijeli s Outlandarom i Lancerom, a na tržištu će konkurirati automobilima poput Nissanova Qashqaija, Renaultova Koleosa, pa i Toyoti RAV 4 ili Volkswagenovu Tiguanu.


Automobil će se inicijalno nuditi s novim 1.8-litrenim MIVEC četverocilindričnim benzincem, no za očekivati je da će se pod poklopcem naći i dizelaš, budući da je u Mitsubishijevim planovima lansiranje automobila i na europsko tržište. Zasad nije poznato hoće li RVR koristiti samo prednji, samo integralni pogon ili će se, kao konkurentski modeli, nuditi u objema izvedbama.

RVR bi se u prodaji trebao naći na proljeće iduće godine.

First photos of the new Mitsubishi crossover osvanule on the Internet. Imaginatively called RVR will be accommodated under the Pajero and Outlander
Model cX is 4.3 meters long, and is inspired by the concept of RVR, 365 mm shorter than the Outlander. New Mitsubishi crossover built on a global platform which it shares with Outlandarom and Lancer, and the market will compete with cars like the Nissan Qashqai, Renault Koleos, including the Toyota RAV 4 or Volkswagen Tiguan.

Premières photos de l'osvanule Mitsubishi nouveau crossover sur l'Internet. Imaginative appelée RVR seront logés sous le Pajero et Outlander
Modèle cX est de 4,3 mètres de long, et est inspiré par le concept de la RVR, 365 mm plus court que le Outlander. Nouveau Mitsubishi multisegment construit sur une plateforme globale qu'elle partage avec Outlandarom et Lancer, et le marché sera en concurrence avec des voitures comme la Nissan Qashqai, Renault Koleos, y compris la Toyota RAV 4 ou Volkswagen Tiguan.

Die ersten Fotos des neuen Mitsubishi Crossover osvanule im Internet. Phantasievoll genannt RVR wird im Rahmen des Pajero Outlander und untergebracht werden
Modell CX ist 4,3 Meter lang und wird durch das Konzept des RVR, 365 mm kürzer als der Outlander inspiriert. New Mitsubishi Crossover, das auf eine globale Plattform, die sie mit Outlandarom und Lancer, und der Markt wird mit Autos wie der Nissan Qashqai, Renault Koleos, einschließlich der Toyota RAV 4 oder VW Tiguan konkurrieren.

Das Auto wird zunächst mit einem neuen 1,8-Liter-MIVEC angeboten werden Vier-Zylinder-Benzin, sondern wird erwartet, dass unter der Haube und Öl Auto gefunden werden, wie die Mitsubishi plant, das Auto auf dem europäischen Markt zu starten. So weit ist es nicht bekannt, ob RVR nur die Vorderseite zu verwenden, sondern ein integraler Laufwerk oder als konkurrierende Modelle werden angeboten in beiden Versionen.

RVR würde erwarten, dass beim Verkauf im Frühjahr finden im nächsten Jahr.
